My Journey

My road to wellness has not been easy.  I grew up in a suburb about 30 minutes east of Downtown Los Angeles.  I grew up eating a typical Mexican food diet (I’m mexican/american).  The staples in our food was tons of meat, diary, starches, sugar and fast food.  I was a garbage disposal and ate alot of food but didn’t gain weight.  I was sick all the time.  I had bad asthma and allergies growing up.  It really sucked going to the hospital the amount of times I did.  I was pumped full of drugs and then sent home.  Around age 20, I became vegetarian.  My health improved but I still suffered from health issues.  On November 28, 1997, I became sober.  In 2011, I became vegan.  In 2016, I found a fast which literally rocked my world.  Everything I thought I knew about diet was still wrong.  I embarked on a 108 day fast.  Why?

My mom was killed by the allopathic community and I was/am determined to show the world around me, we can heal our own lives.  It’s a long road to wellville, and even I am still traveling this road.  I’m here to share with you the marvels of getting well naturally.  I’m here to bring down the veils which have been built up around lies.  We have all been conditioned to believe these lies.  I’m here because I really want to show you, you can heal your life.  Its simple but we make it hard.  Our emotions block us from a lot.  I’m deeply grateful to have found this journey.  I’m deeply grateful to guide humans back to their remembering.  WE all just need to remember.  Blessings be.